Greater Science &
– A Unified Vision of Truth, Beauty, and Goodness

Science is the project of truth.

About Author

Most of Siddhartha’s Intent Australias’ workshops, retreats and study groups are conducted by Jakob Leschly. Jakob has been appointed by Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche as a resident instructor in Australia. He began his studies of Buddhism in 1974 and has studied with numerous great teachers, particularly Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, Dudjom Rinpoche and Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche. Jakob completed a three year retreat in 1984. Since then he has worked as a translator, interpreter and as a philosophy and meditation instructor. He has also completed a BA in Tibetan Studies. He now lives NSW.

“If it were not for certain people's greed for wealth, the highways would be filled with cars powered by the sun, and no one would be starving. Such advances are technologically and physically possible, but apparently not emotionally possible.” ― Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse, What Makes You Not a Buddhist


Jakob Initiative

Science is the project of truth. However, we should ask ourselves whether we seriously believe that the truth of our reality can be understood in terms of measuring, quantifying, and collecting data about material phenomena. Here we argue that without uncovering the light of wisdom from within our own being to see truth - both objective and subjective – it is unlikely we ever will understand our reality and its potential fully and clearly.

The proposition here, in concordance with countless traditions of wisdom across time and changing cultures, is that in recognizing and aligning ourselves with a wisdom that we naturally possess, call it God or enlightened potential or whatever you like, we take hold of an otherwise dormant heritage of truth, and in doing so, we manifest the expressions of truth: beauty as in creativity, and goodness as in love and compassion. This is the scope of greater science.

Fun Facts About Jakob

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Scania and Halland. “Sail while the breeze blows, wind and tide wait for no man."...

  • 20000

    Cups of Coffee
    • 1500

      Gallons of Soft Drink
      • 1200

        Whiteboard Markers
        • 3000

          Sanskrit text read